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Case Study: How Indoor/Outdoor Classrooms Deepen Students
by The Education Market Association (EDmarket)
Publisher:The Education Market Association (EDmarket)
Number of pages:N/A pages
Date published:Nov 17, 2021
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Case Study: How Indoor/Outdoor Classrooms Deepen Students' Learning

When new classrooms were needed at Oak Park High School, a sustainable solution was sought, resulting in the innovative use of repurposed shipping containers - items that are low cost and would otherwise be considered waste. Based on this success, these progressive "Learning Studios" have also been rolled out to a middle school campus. Placed adjacent to outdoor space, the sliding glass doors allow the classroom and learning to expand into nature. Presenters will share insights on gaining stakeholder buy-in at the district and school level and illustrate the importance of indoor / outdoor learning space at each campus, district-wide.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe initiatives that increase environmental literacy across a school district.
2. Apply sustainable practices to personal context.
3. Identify the benefits of outdoor learning environments and collaborative planning efforts.
4. Relate the connection between project-based learning, environmental literacy, sustainability, district wide planning, and learning space design.

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